Saturday, January 29, 2011
It was BEAUTIFUL outside today (for January...), and I decided to take the new Blue out for it's inaugural ride.  When I pulled up to the parking lot at the lake, I thought to myself, "hmmm, I thought there would be more people here, it being Saturday and nice outside..."  I should have realized that meant something...

The trails was a wet mudpit.  Some areas were easy to get through, but others were deep and slippery.  I almost bit it a couple times, but managed to avoid faceplanting!  The backside of the lake was not as bad, but the damage was done in the first 4 miles... 

Blue will never look the same again.

Neither will my knee warmers...

My legs were a lot muddier until I went over a flooded bridge and got soaked.  Brrrrr.

Don't worry too much though!  Blue got hosed off at the car wash, and then wiped down inside.  ALMOST good as new.  But not quite...


About Me

I am a Family Medicine intern at a community hospital in Indiana, navigating the new world of being a physician. I am privileged to work in a field I love, where every day is a new and unpredictable challenge.
I am not only a doctor, but also a cyclist, runner, DIYer in the making, lover of the outdoors, traveler, and human.
Human, MD is a glimpse into the world of a young doctor who is just trying to stay true to herself through the grueling whirlwind of residency.


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