This page is in honor of all the things that make me happy.  Not the big things, like going on vacation and getting my MD (which clearly SHOULD make me happy...), or winning the lottery (I'm assuming that would make me happy...).  I'm talking about the little things in life that give me pleasure disproportional to the role they play in my life.  Here are the posts about these things, in no particular order.
Things That Make Me Happy
About Me
I am a Family Medicine intern at a community hospital in Indiana, navigating the new world of being a physician. I am privileged to work in a field I love, where every day is a new and unpredictable challenge.
I am not only a doctor, but also a cyclist, runner, DIYer in the making, lover of the outdoors, traveler, and human.
Human, MD is a glimpse into the world of a young doctor who is just trying to stay true to herself through the grueling whirlwind of residency.
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