Thursday, November 18, 2010
I'm sitting here in the airport... fiddling on my computer... drinking coffee... a little bored.

I cleaned out my email inbox.
I checked out facebook.
I checked out some blogs.
I did some online window shopping.

And then, I ordered a box of these:
They are delicious.  I know this because I am eating one right now.  Maybe the most delicious Clif bar ever.  And they're seasonal, so I didn't want the opportunity to pass me by.  I think they will make a most delicious mid-cold ride snack.  They taste a little like Christmas.   

I hope my flight leaves soon, or I might end up buying something else... Like a puppy.  This one needs a home...
I'm just sayin'.


Anonymous said...

How were the custom power bars and trail mix that you ordered a while back?


About Me
I am a Family Medicine intern at a community hospital in Indiana, navigating the new world of being a physician. I am privileged to work in a field I love, where every day is a new and unpredictable challenge.
I am not only a doctor, but also a cyclist, runner, DIYer in the making, lover of the outdoors, traveler, and human.
Human, MD is a glimpse into the world of a young doctor who is just trying to stay true to herself through the grueling whirlwind of residency.
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